
The Clear Lake Symphony, with Music Director Dr. Charles Johnson, starts its 49th season in the fall of 2024.  Started in 1976, as the University of Houston-Clear Lake Community Orchestra, the Symphony incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1983 and was then renamed the Clear Lake Symphony (CLS).  The Symphony maintains a 501 (C) (3) non-profit status from the IRS.  The Symphony, recognized as a premiere community orchestra, is a member of ASCAP and BMI.  Its goals are to present classical music for the residents of the Bay Area and to provide opportunities for the Bay Area musicians to create a variety of musical experiences for the enjoyment of the community.  Six regular performances including the Christmas “Pops” will be held featuring various classical selections and guest soloists.

All concerts are held at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Auditorium, 18220 Upper Bay Road in Nassau Bay at 7:30 PM (see concert dates).

To enhance the music education of the community, the symphony holds an Annual Youth Concerto Competition. Winners are invited to perform at one of the specially planned classical concerts during the season. 

Call 281-488-0066 (Eye Trends) for ticket information.
